The May team continues on with their training and preparation for their fast-approaching trip to Romania. For most on the team, this time of year means midterms! How refreshing, in the midst of a busy & stressful season, to spend time focused on Romania as they continue to learn, grow, and share together as a team. Here’s some thoughts from Curtis Carmichael who is returning to Romania for the second time this May:

“I’m excited to be a part of this May team as we have amazing individuals who possess a willingness to learn and grow which will be useful in learning from and engaging with Romanian leaders and orphans. In preparation for the trip, we are continuing to learn together what it means to be still and spend time in solitude with God on a consistently basis. Within this team we are starting to see how solitude will help us live better within community the way God designed for us to live out. In solitude we are affirmed of our identity in Christ and this shapes how we truly forgive others, celebrate the gifts of others, see the God in people and encourage/build others up. The Pas Cu Pas team is a beautiful team to get to know as they model a honest community where meaningful relationships are possible. It will be refreshing to be there again in Romania!”


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