What We Do

Our program has a two-fold reach along the same lines as Jesus’ own ministry:

  • Our ministry “to the masses” (children still in Romanian state care – “orphans”)
  • Our in-depth discipleship ministry “to the few” (community of Pas Cu Pas volunteers)

Orphan Outreach & Integration

These programs create opportunities to value children still in Romanian state care personally, minister to them spiritually, and facilitate the initial stages of relationship that will hopefully lead them to be involved in our in-depth discipleship community when they are older. Currently, these include:

  • Mini-Camps – Weekend retreats focused on experiential-learning and relationship-building, for small groups of children/youth living in group & foster homes. These weekends are for fun, physical fitness, resiliency-building activities and quality time that helps grow and emphasize the relationships these kids have with Pas Cu Pas.
  • Orphanage Visits – Monthly visits for activities, worship, and relational investment. It is also our opportunity to discover needs and provide additional support and resources if needed.
  • Summer Programs – Several weeks of program (including Camp Discovery, mini-camps and special day trips & activities) where kids can play, sing, learn, laugh, and create in ways that strengthen positive relationships and promote personal and spiritual growth.
  • Special Programs – Day trips and special activities throughout the year, based on opportunity.  This may include special Christmas celebrations to provide a memorable family-like experience during the holiday season.

Pas Cu Pas Volunteer Community

While our ministry to Romanian orphans begins in the context of our Orphan Outreach & Integration programs, our hope is that they will transition into our in-depth discipleship community in their teens – an intentional environment where we aim to grow them spiritually, support them practically, and encourage them personally & professionally. Such an environment of growth happens in the context our Pas Cu Pas volunteer community.

  • Mentoring and Discipling – Regular one-on-one meetings between staff and beneficiaries for support, guidance, prayer, accountability, and coaching on inter-and-intrapersonal issues in personal lives.
  • Counseling – Encouraging personal healing and growth through facilitating and resourcing peer support groups, vocational counseling and professional psychotherapy.
  • Practical Support and Advocacy – Ongoing financial support to help subsidize basic living costs, skills training and personal development opportunities, as well as “general life” support in finding work and accommodations, keeping appointments, moving, navigating bureaucracy, and dealing with crises.
  • Volunteer Training – Monthly meetings to share meals and spend valuable quality time together that is vital for the community’s strength as a a team. Volunteers also grow in their understanding of orphan “issues” and develop their skills in running programs for children.
  • Family Meals, Parties, and other “Special Events” –  Monthly socials to build sense of family, deepen friendships, and explore personal and spiritual themes in a small, safe environment.  There are also additional opportunities throughout the year to celebrate together as a family would, over mealtimes and on special occasions (i.e. holidays, wedding showers, birthday parties, etc).
  • Benevolence – Financial or alternative practical support for volunteers who experience emergency or unexpected costs relating to food, shelter, health, school, or other. It may also include financial support to help a volunteer pursue a unique opportunity related to their personal development.
  • Bible Study – Weekly opportunity for Pas Cu Pas volunteers to share meals, prayers, goals, and fellowship while exploring spiritual disciplines and identifying principles and applications for personal transformation.
  • Volunteer Retreats – Semi-yearly program of intentional spiritual teaching/practice, team-building and unity, and growth in community. Retreats are also an important time for “casting the vision” for new volunteers, as well as re-iterating and reinforcing our mission and values (our culture) for all volunteers.
  • Orphan Ministry – Volunteers learn, grow and even heal through their experience of serving and being on mission together through their participation in our orphan outreach and integration programs.

We are committed to the long-term support of children and young adults that have been raised in Romanian state care. For many, our community is their closest semblance of family – a place where we hope they will find belonging, build stability, experience healing and realize some restoration from their reality of abandonment, fear, hopelessness and loneliness. 

Visit our Donation page and join us in our commitment to these children and young adults.