Do you know what a “burpee” is? For all those familiar with the gruelling exercise, a better question might be, “how much can I pay to avoid doing one?” The good folks at Fukumoto Fitness, however, aren’t ones to shy away from a fitness challenge nor an opportunity to help – and this month they are sharing their health (and wealth), raising pulse rates and dollars to help make summer memorable for the kids and teens we minister to in Romania.

For the 4th consecutive year, the Fukumoto Fitness family will embark upon thousands of burpees in support of our Camp Discovery and summer programs in Romania through their “Burpees 4 Romania” campaign. Participating FF clients will go dollar-for-burpee, committing to do as many burpees as dollars raised through their individual campaigns. Last year, the FF family raised an astounding $12,000 in support of our program through burpees and additional projects. Over 50 FF clients campaigned, and some FF coaches did over 2500 burpees IN A ROW!!!

(In the danger that you have not fully appreciated the implications of this last paragraph, consider doing just TEN burpees right now. Now are you impressed?)

Fukumoto Fitness believes that life is done better together, and we are blessed by their values, their generousity, and their example. This year, the FF family is aiming to raise a whopping $15,000 together by the end of May. You can encourage them and follow their progress here. To the Fukumoto Fitness family – we can’t say THANK YOU enough (though maybe 15,000 times would be appropriate?) for your hard work, compassion, and dedication!


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