The July team had a great kick off meeting! It brought together some familiar faces from the past as well as some brand new ones to join together in our vision this summer in Romania. We welcomed back alumni Stetson Ford and Sam Stanlake into their roles as team leaders. We are incredibly excited to journey again with them through a new season of discipleship and growth.
The team meeting was filled with lots of energy and laughs. We learned from Stetson in his devotional that it didn’t matter if we had been a hundred times to Romania or this was our first time that there is always room to learn and grow as we are called to press on in Christ’s strength each day, to mature up in Him, as everything we do has eternal purpose (Phil 3:12-15). We heard about Romanian history and the current conditions as well as how our vision of honest friendships relates to these things and our mission of building stronger relationships at home and in Romania.

The team especially grew through some awesome team builders where we were first able to learn more about each other and what had brought us to this summer mission and second practice our skills in unity in something called the “helium stick.” Now, this may sounds easy- each member placing a finger on the stick and everyone simultaneously lowering it to the ground. But, it’s a deceiving exercise as we learned there was much more too it – as our stick often rose up mysteriously instead of going down. It took a few tries but gradually we got ourselves on the same page in unison and growing as a team.

We appreciate your continued support of the July team’s members and their mission this year. We will be participating in camp and mini camps over the summer season . These are often a highlight for the orphans we work with. We appreciate all and any support you can give us! Thank you for blessing us with your encouragement, prayers, and financial contributions.

Onward we go…. !

Ashleigh (on behalf of the team)

July Team… Sam, Stetson, Curtis, Calida, Maddy, Kassandra, Alannah, Jenilee and Ashleigh

helium stick 2

Helium stick

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